Initial Demo Release

First of all, THANK YOU ALL! This has blown up bigger than I dared to hope! I am kind of stunned seeing so many people enjoying the game, and glad that my hard work thus far has translated into fun.

Another thank you for all your feedback so far! This is exactly why I released the demo; to get different perspectives before it was too late in the game to implement core changes. I’ll have to weigh the behind-the-scenes pros-and-cons of every suggestion, (not least of which I must avoid content-creep; tis the death of many an overambitious project) but so far a lot of the feedback has been “we want MORE!” and I can certainly provide that in time!


In V0.12, just released, I’ve also included a couple quality of life improvements some of you suggested. Includes:

-A couple minor graphical fixes

-A “Walking Speed” slider on the pause menu (reach it by hitting ESC), so you can make the adventurers move faster, if you want to hurry to the next puzzle.

-A “Wait for click before Adventurer leaves Mirror” toggle on the pause menu, for any of you who want to savor the post-transformation display before moving on to the next adventurer.**

EDIT: V0.13 release:

-“Missing a potion, wasted potion” messages now specify which potion was the issue!

-Added a couple hints to the death screens

-Fixed a rare Bell softlock (hopefully)

-Fixed thief “Pinkie” showing cursed even when not cursed.


I won’t be making an announcement for every minor update going forward, and the next major content update won’t be for a few months. But rest be assured, I have BIG things planned, and am excited to present them as soon as things are thoroughly debugged and polished!

Files 89 MB
4 days ago

Get One Potion Please!


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I noticed you added idicator for which potions were missed or wrong, but i like discovering that myself. would it be possible to make this an optional toggle?

You are the FIRST person to suggest the game is too easy, which tells me I’m probably pretty close to the target difficulty level. I will noodle on it!

hope the BIG things planned include BIG BOOBS!


This game will have many things, but above all else, it shall have BIG BOOBS


Loving your dedication! Good luck!