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how do i get rid of the thief that steal the tip jar

Neat game! Mobile's still buggy (can't load/return to main menu, can grab unspawned items offscreen), but it's more than playable.

The potion crafting itself is a bit clunky; there's at least one point I accidentally mixed a clean potion by clicking after a correctly mixed one. Some amount of crust is typical for the papers-like, though

A "pay 2 win" item you can drag 5 gold into to walk you through a specific adventurer would be funny, at least, and might help with the handful of edge cases people run into. 

This is honestly amazing with just the first week. Can't wait to see more!

How do you get past day 3? Every day I complete it the frickin chest kills me and I still haven't caught up on what is the tip to know to which adventurers give the treasure maps. Please, I wanna enjoy more of the game but I am stuck.

You have to give the map to "Mages" you're giving the Ditsy potion to.

Keep it up!

absolute cinema


this is lightning in a bottle. keep it up, you're killing it.


pink haired thief keep steeling my earnings how do i stop her?

You get a scroll after someone turns to stone

Hi for some reason I can't play it. When I open the downloaded game I'm greeted with a black screen and nothing else. I have newest drivers, same names for exe and pck files and they're unpacked too. So what's wrong then?


Peak game, can't wait to see the rest of what you planned ! 

Good luck for completing what you want to do.

Partially colourblind here. I think there are green as well as yellow gems, correct? If so, can you make the difference between them a little clearer?

Also, how does pausing work on mobile?


You’re not the first; colorblind-friendliness is on my todo list.

. . . . . . . . . I don’t know. I’ll have to noodle on that. The fix might not be fast coming, I’m afraid. Busy schedule.

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If it's any benefit, giving them associated patterns or being able to have an indicator pop-up as a toggle-able option may be helpful! Hope this helps!

Since it'll be easier to just write one comment I'll write here: Nice work! Fun "Papers please!"-esque game but horny, quirky characters and other things! I'm not much into TF myself, but it's a fun loop with fun characters. It just needs more polish, so keep it up! If I were to make any light suggestions, it would probably just be to underline the "Apply to object" for punishing the Thief. It's not a big deal, but I was a bit confused until I reread the description (though it'll probably help once the proper texture is applied. Also, there's a following bug to where if you restart the day after applying the scroll effect (if you fail to apply it for the thief), the effect won't dissipate until the next time. Very minor, but worth noting nonetheless incase potentially similar problems come up.

I wish you luck in your endeavors!

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do you plan on making a futanari potion?  or is it something you're working on already?


I do not, I’m afraid.

oh, shame. I still like the game tho it's pretty good

What happens if you use the bell on the girl with the cow top before you get the curse detector item?  Also what day does she first appear?

Currently, nothing. Is there a particular reason you didn’t check for yourself? No offense mate, but you’re kind of clogging the comments section with simple questions.

My bad.  I do have some feedback: Good game, hoping our male protagonist gets a girlfriend and it would be nice to go back to any mess ups instead of starting the whole day over.  Can’t wait to see this be completed AND be just as good if not better.  Like someone else suggested a cheat mode or something to help us not mess up.

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Need help,im playing on smartphone ,what do i have to do when i meet the girl that is leaking milk?i used the bell but then i dosent work anymore

It SHOULD trigger every time you pick up and drop the bell, until you do it about 5 times. Did you try re-loading the day? The game is not explicitly designed for mobile, I’m afraid.

This game is very fun, even in Alpha. I'm not even drawn to TF games, but the idea of the gameplay interested me enough that I'd definitely play the finished product, and I even find myself replaying the demo. I wish you luck on making this delight!

High praise! Thank you!

I was hoping people who didn’t take this seriously would enjoy too. So much of the fun of making this wasn’t the horny bits, but figuring out how I could turn TFs into creative puzzles.


Amazing game, difficulty curve is sublime (like, having studied quite a bit about Csíkszentmihályi's Flow Theory, this hits the mark almost perfectly). I am definitely looking forward to seeing more content added to this game

I would suggest adding toggles for transformations, as some people may have interest in some content, but be discouraged by other. Here I'd recommend it being a visual toggle, so if the user disabled ass expansion, the blue potions are still part of the game, but just doesn't make any alterations to the sprite when looking through the Scry-Master Mirror 9000.

Thank you! I invested a lot of time into balancing between “too much at once” and “boring” on the timeline. I’m glad that’s flowing properly!

A good suggestion, but I probably won’t have the juice for it. With maybe exception of a couple more extreme TFs I’m going to make an effort to make toggle-able, toggles will be tricky. Outside of the main gameplay loop, all the TFs show up as multi-day puzzles / events, and making branches to handle shutting some of them off increases the scope of work exponentially.

Any other potion mixes I need?  She is holding a yellow glowing dagger.

If you right-click on the potions (or hold your click on them, if you don’t have a mouse) the potions will explain their rules. Nothing mentions colored weapons (so far). So they’re not part of the requirements.

Lovely game. Played it online. But as you alluded to it isn't the optimal experience. If it isn't too much of a bother I would like a Linux build. Pretty sure Godot can export to Linux natively.

I would like cheats to know the proper mixtures for the adventures that come by.

Is there any discord or place to support you and the game? I really enjoyed it, and can't wait to see more!

How to kill a thief for 5 days? All the money is stealing

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use the scroll you get from the girl that turns to stone on the coin jar

Deleted 1 day ago
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Not bad. Though my inability to tell the difference between Green and Yellow due to colorblindness did make things quite annoying. Perhaps allow the scrying ring to tell you what color(s) of magic the adventurer is using, in addition to any curses? Other than that, quite fun.


Sorry about that; I will need to look into colorblindness-friendly colors at some point. Or something like you’re suggesting.


Absolutely adore this game, it has a lot of potential! Curious if there are any plans for m2f/feminization content?


thanks! There is not, I’m afraid. Only female human characters in this game.


I just finished the latest demo and I really liked it. Some suggestions I have in mind are as follows: A cheat/easy mode that will tell you what you need for the character. A way to view all the rules/rule glossary (Maybe a notebook in the corner?) , The ability to say yay or nah to certain fetishes/transformations (most unrealistic suggestion as some of the repeated characters have a set transformation, and how the hole thing builds on itself.) and finally the end day screen needs to be freshened up. It's currently works, but It might be nice it the end screen was a scroll or other parchment. Also maybe having a use for gold? I didn't encounter what happens if you go into negative gold, but upgrades might be nice...

All and all, very good and liking it so far 


Glad to hear it!

Right-clicking shows you descriptions of all the potions and items. (the potion rules change day by day) And yeah. there is a LOT of interweaving, so I don’t think I’ll be realistically able to toggle them on or off, except for one or two in the late game. Menus are still in alpha; will look nicer by the end. Been focusing on characters and gameplay! I have been hemming and hawing over the gold; we’ll see what purpose it serves XD

Really like this game, there currently seems to be a bug with the thief with the whip, though. I tested a couple times and, each time I tried giving her a boob potion, it told me I wasted a boob potion, and each time I tried not, it said it was missing one.

I have been unable to replicate the issue so far. Could they have been fighting Gawkers when it insisted you couldn’t use the Boob potion?

Dang, I can’t remember any more. I suppose it’s possible.


Very good so far, looking forward to see what comes

you can make a game for Android phone ?

Not at this stage, I’m afraid. I want make sure I’m biting off exactly what I can chew, so that’s a stretch goal, post-completion.

The browser version has been updated to make hold-clicking count as right-clicking though.



Really enjoying the demo so far.  The one thing that I want to say is that the game seems slightly inconsistent about what should be considered a melee weapon: there's this one mage with a staff who apparently should be getting a boobs potion, but other wands/staffs don't?

Also, the Kraken/Mage sideplot is absolutely adorable.

Was the mage using Mage Hand?
(In case you’re not a D&D nerd, was there a blue, ghost-like hand to her left?)
Items carried by spells also count for multiclass criteria!


I just replayed it Day 7 looking for her, and I think I realized what the problem is.  She's the redheaded mage in red robes, with a skull staff that has a yellow crystal and a mage hand holding an orange crystal book.  Now that I'm looking at the specific results screen, I see now that she has a bra of holding, and that's why she's supposed to get the lactation/boobs combo.  


Nice game, is there anyway to help the adventurer that turns into a statue?


The curse description says that it can be reversed with a powerful spell (unlikely for our protagonist) or circumvented if she’s transmuted into another material. I’d assume we’ll get the opportunity to do the latter later in the full game?


Later in the game! Next chapter.


I love, love, love it! It’s like Diner Dash and Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes had a baby and it ROCKS! I can’t wait for the recurring NPCs like the skeleton and the kraken miniboss have completed art. They’re so adorable! ^_^

Minor QA thing: when you encounter the mage in white after giving the miniboss her diary, the curse scanner says no curses are active even though she’s still wearing the cursed bra. It’s really only a tiny continuity error, so it hopefully shouldn’t be hard to fix.

(Can’t be 100% sure about it being easy; I obviously have no clue how your code is structured. For all I know, fixing that tiny bit could take major refactoring. 💀)


Thank you! Glad to hear it!

That is 100% a bug! I’ll have to add that on the list. I think all the game-stopping bugs are resolved, so it might sit until the next major release.

I just ran into a mage with nothing but yellow gem items and I'm on day 4.  What should I give her?  Her enemy is the Kraken.

Fun little game, but no way to save? Choosing "quit" doesn't work, by the way. The button flickers but stays on the screen until you click "next day".

It should be saving automatically, at the end of every “day”. Still working out how to get the Quit button to work in browser mode.

I'm not on browser. I was playing via windows.

Shoot! I’m not sure what has caused that. Can you try restarting your computer? That helped someone with a crash problem. Alternatively, maybe try running it as administrator. Maybe some permission is preventing the save function from writing files to your computer.

I run everything in administrator mode as I have my PC default to such. As for trying again, I guess I can't. Apparently, I had reached the end of the demo when I quit last time via choosing "next day" then closing the app. So, whenever I begin, I just get the skeleton telling me demo is over. 

Also, an options screen would be nice so I can choose fullscreen rather than windowed and to quit out at any point.


And hitting ESC doesn’t bring you to the options menu with the “Load X Day” options?

I think next update, I’ll add a pause button available to the main game screen. Android users don’t have an ESC button.

Sorry you’re having such troubles! Doing what I can, but I’m a solo dev with only so much available time.

This was a very fun demo, and there are a lot of elements that haven't been used yet that I'm assuming will come into effect in later updates. Slimes, bomb, green and purple spell foci, and the white outfit that stands out like the black/grey. Also how it introduces which elements are important to worry about bit by bit so you get used to it and learn along the way as i gets more complicated.

Thanks! I put a lot of consideration into the pacing. Yes, a lot of things highlighted become more relevant later!


Really enjoyed this demo. The gameplay isn't complicated, but (at least with the current playtime) doesn't get old in a playthrough. The dialogue is good, and I tended to remember individual characters, even the non-quest ones. The humour is good enough that I laughed out loud once or twice (shoutout the reading glasses scene). 
My only suggestion is about the thief-cursing. Based on some of the other comments here, I'm not alone in thinking it's a little hard to figure out on your own. I suggest either having an interaction with the jar prior, or simply having a coin cursed with spanking instead of a spell note.
Waiting excitedly for the full release.

Thank you! Glad it’s landing.

A coin was actually my first idea, but then I thought “oh crud, but YOU’LL get cursed when you take if from the statue!”, so I’m not sure how to get around that. I have recently made the jar expand when highlighted, to hopefully hint that it is intractable.

The creator of this game should seriously make a discord server.  That way this place isn't loaded with 'what corrupt potion should I use' questions.


Gonna be straight with you, I (solo dev) do not have the energy to manage a discord server XD

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Currently on Day 3 and I don't know what I should use.  I'm about ready to just give her a normal potion.  I can't give her dum dum potion because of the zombie she fighting.  I also noticed that she has what looks like a bomb unless it isn't.  Another thing I could do is give her the 'treasure map' and then the dum dum potion but the thing is I do NOT want to make ANY mistakes.  And while I don't mind making mistakes and whatnot I still want to do a perfect run on this game.

A normal potion and NO map is the correct answer here!

And remember, you can re-load days and try again at any point! And this is a demo, so there is no perfect-score reward.

A really cool demo, I can't wait to see more !

The art is nice, and I'm a big fan of all the transformations, I'm really excited to see what the next potions will be. The gameplay is pretty fun, and all the new rules makes it always interesting. And the cursed item makes it interesting, with progresing storylines with characters and all.

Overall, really good job, and keep it up !

Thank you! It means a lot. You can expect more more more as I complete chapters!

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So...I'm having problems knowing the proper potions to use.  Is there a guide?  If so I think there should be a discord server for this game.

You can right-click on the potions to get their rules! Still working on something for people without a mouse though.

What potion do I use for mages with a 'bomb' or whatever it is?  The enemy that I have them going against at the moment is a zombie?

Nothing yet! That’s later levels.

How can i do the shortification and belly expansion part?

I haven't figured that out yet

Those are not included yet; this is an early demo!

They are not yet in the game


This is an absolute S tier game! Also, I noticed that there is plans for other transformations. Is size/giantess planned?


Not as a full-blown potion, but there ARE a couple events!

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